Johnny 3 Times are the family's chief triggermen, and a damn good one at that! Johnny is made up of equal parts of John, Johnny and Jonathan Tripliani, and sometimes he's his own worst enemy. The Johnnies have trouble seeing eye to eye to eye with himself, but in the end he usually seems to be able to pull himselves together and get the job done. J3T's not the men you want on your side in a battle of wits, but definetly the men you want in a pie eating contest. John was married briefly, Johnathan was the best man, but Johnny wasn't invited to the wedding...its a long strange story that I'll tell you sometimes.


Fly has been in the family for a while. He started off in the sanitation business when he was nothing but a young maggot, and he has worked his way up the crime business food chain. Fly isn't the sharpest note on the staff, but he is dependable and loyal to Doc Frankenello. He may be a little dim, but Fly knows his shit.
Lenore was built for Tony as his ideal mate. She is made up from parts from several sources; her body is from a Vegas showgirl, her brain from a librarian and her head from roller derby queen, quite a potent mixture. Lenore packs good looks, cunning, a beehive hairdo and a working knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System in her sexy 6' 4" frame. Lenore loves Tony and the kids with all her heart, whereever that may be.
Lenore was built for Tony as his ideal mate. She is made up from parts from several sources; her body is from a Vegas showgirl, her brain from a librarian and her head from roller derby queen, quite a potent mixture. Lenore packs good looks, cunning, a beehive hairdo and a working knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System in her sexy 6' 4" frame. Lenore loves Tony and the kids with all her heart, whereever that may be.

Debbie is the perfect child...if by chance you wanted to raise a twisted, sadistic hellian. She can be kept busy for hours with an Easy-Bake Oven and the family's (soon to be former) pet. Debbie resents Tony Jr., feeling that he recieves special treatment cause he is a boy. She is a bit of a social problem and doesn't work well with others. She's been thrown out of; The Brownies, The Girl Scouts, the 4H Club, The Hell's Angels and the Masons...she plays a might rough.
Lug was the former Detective Sgt. Luigi Wonderoni, who now serves as the families zombie muscle. Lug is a man of few words (if any), who acts chiefly as Doc and Tony Frankenello's trusted, stoic, irreplaceable, immovable body guard who would do just about anything for them. Lug has a sweet disposition and likes to spend his "off" hours by sitting quietly and staring blankly at nothing. Come to think of it, he does that during his "on" hours. Lug is very tough to buy clothes for, cause he is a size Rhode Island.

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